Massive Open Online Training (MOOT)
For Balvatika to Grade 5 School Heads and Teachers of Government Schools, for Middle Level Managers like BSAs/DEOs, SRG, District Coordinators, Trainers, Supervisory Staff, BEOs and BRCCs
This training will help support and complement the work of the schools in Foundational Literacy & Numeracy. The teachers will receive practical training on how to boost FLN results of their children using principles of a disruptive FLN pedagogy ALfA or Accelerating Learning for All. We hope that this training will lift teacher motivation and empower them with several simple yet powerful skills for immediate implementation, and as preparation for the next academic session.
All teacher participants who are present throughout the sessions will receive a certificate of participation. Those teachers who can further answer questions at the end of each session (80% correct) will receive a certificate of accomplishment.
Each participant may attend only one session of Literacy and one for Numeracy.
School Heads and Teachers of Government Schools, for Middle Level Managers like BSAs/DEOs, SRG, District Coordinators, Trainers, Supervisory Staff, BEOs and BRCCs
Offered by DEVI Sansthan: Dignity, Education, Vision International*
*In collaboration with Global Education & Training Institute, India, and Teachers Without Borders, USA